Come take your shot at the crown as Ruler of All Hobnobbing, sneak a peek at our very cool friend's upcoming project, and marvel at all the ways you can support our work.
Our Mission
The Center for Cultural Community builds and cultivates support for creative people.
We open avenues for assistance, provide access to knowledge,
and foster opportunities for connection.
BE the Ruler of All Hobnobbing!
In an attempt to make meeting new people a liiiittle better, we crown a Ruler of All Hobnobbing at each of our networking events. Whoever meets the most new folks gets their tab paid! And leaves with a literal crown!
Ruler of All Hobnobbing Contest Details:
1. At some late point in the evening, we poll attendees to identify those who’ve met the most new people.
2. Those with the highest numbers are asked to name the new people they’ve met (scout's honor) and share at least one fact about each person.
3. Whoever has collected the highest number of names and facts wins the crown and has their food/drink tab paid by us!
Hobnob is NEXT WEEK! Monday, October 24,
at 6pm at the Legendary White Water Tavern!
RSVP on Facebook here!
Our buddies at Artspace Projects are building
Through 2020 and 2021, the CCC participated in Artspace's Immersion program: a cohort program designed to support organizations that are planning for a space-related project. In September 2020, Artspace welcomed 10 creative organizations from Little Rock/North Little Rock, Arkansas into the 12-month program.
We were so lucky and excited to be among those organizations. And the connections we made enrich our work to this day.
In addition to their other capacity-building programs, like Immersion, Artspace's main sphere of activity centers around developing, managing, & consulting on affordable arts spaces. In the fall of 2024, Artspace expects to open a brand new mixed-use project for artists in Little Rock’s East Village neighborhood. Live/work housing units, studios, galleries, events spaces, and commercial offices will provide the city's first protected artist-centered structure. Read the press release (or click the image above) and find out more about this extremely exciting new development in our cultural landscape!
So many ways to give!
Did you know that there are SIX ways to contribute to our work? In addition to mailing us a check to our PO Box (listed below) or giving via PayPal on our website, you can set us as your favorite charity through the PayPal Giving Fund or use Amazon Smile to support us while you shop!
We also accept donations on our Facebook and Instagram profiles! Just hit the Donate button at the top of the page or set up your own fundraiser and try to reach a total with your friends!
We believe that artistic work is valuable - to our society and to the individual.
We believe that artistic work is worthy of the dedication of one's time,
one's resources, and one's life.
We believe artistic workers are essential to a community.
If you share those beliefs, you can support our work by clicking here.

Center for Cultural Community
PO Box 2871, Little Rock, AR 72203